Tag Archives: Shutter Island

Top Movies of 2010

The title of this entry might be slightly misleading. I’m in no position to evaluate the top ten movies released this year. However, I can give you my list of favorites that I, myself, watched for the first time.  These are in a rough order of how much I liked them, rather than which is “best.”

10. The Secret of Kells

A beautiful animated film with a sweet, enchanting story, The Secret of Kells won me over almost right away. The art would have been enough to make the film a pleasure by itself, but the voice acting and the screenplay were also top-notch.

IMDB | Trailer

9.  Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, part 1

It’s more a chapter than a stand-alone film, but I think it’s one of the best in the series. The cinematography and the acting have come leaps and bounds, and it leaves you exhausted and impatient for the finale.

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8. Shutter Island

Scorsese tackles noir/horror with panache. It may not be his best work ever, but it is still an excellent film. Great performances (Patricia Clarkson was a standout in a tiny role, and Mark Ruffalo is fantastic) and I would love to see it again.

IMDB | Trailer

7. Inglourious Basterds

Tarantino is a polarizing artist, but I tend to like him. I don’t know if this is his best work, but it is very solid. The opening sequence will, I think, become a classic example of how to film suspense.  The meta conceit of the film premiere worked for me, and I think that the idea of this sort of fake history is terribly interesting to see in execution.

IMDB | Trailer

6. The Hurt Locker

The Best Picture winner of last year deserved it, in my opinion. It was a tough film to watch, but beautifully made. The film’s thesis was a bit heavy-handed, but it was a master class in creating an effective character. Well worthwhile.

IMDB | Trailer

5.  The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus

A weirdly liner film, considering Terry Gilliam, but I very much enjoyed it. The visuals are beautiful, and it had a nice fairytale feel to it. It being Heath Ledger’s last film, it has a strange overlay to it, but the execution is good. Andrew Garfield is a standout, and Tom Waits is perfectly cast as the devil.

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4. Easy A

This was the year’s biggest surprise for me. I went into it mildly skeptical, when a friend wanted to see it. But I completely fell in love. I generally don’t like high school films, but Emma Stone is completely disarming, her family is perfect (I want them to adopt me), and it’s intelligently constructed. Yes, it’s a fantasy, but it treats its characters like flawed but complex human beings, even if some of them are (theoretically) 17. I loved it.

IMDB | Trailer

3.  Brick

I had meant to see Brick forever, but it took until this year for me to sit down and do so.  That’s a shame, because it’s a skillfully constructed movie that both exemplifies its tropes and rises above them. Another on the list to re-watch, the plot is wound so tightly that watching it the first time, I couldn’t even really pay much attention to the filming or the craft except in brief patches. Great noir.

IMDB | Trailer

2. Moon

The best sci fi movie I’ve seen in ages, and one of the best films generally, Moon has all the punch of a Ray Bradbury story. Sam Rockwell gives a standout performance, and the movie deftly copes with anxieties about identity, purpose, and sacrifice. Kevin Spacey also does some great vocal work. For a stark, minimalistic production, the filming is perfect, and the film boasts a screenplay I wish I’d written. Highly recommended.

IMDB | Trailer

1. Inception

I just rewatched Inception, and it gets even better on subsequent reviews. Thoughtful, plotty, fun and yet moving, Inception is everything I want in a summer blockbuster and more. A friend gave me a new layer of things to consider, and now I need to watch it yet again to consider them. I loved it.

IMDB| Trailer

Honorable Mentions: Dr. No, The Shop Around the Corner, Fantastic Mr. Fox, Sherlock Holmes, Love Actually

Worst Movie I saw in 2010: The Last Airbender. Not even close.

Best Movie I haven’t yet seen, as best I can tell: Toy Story 3. Yes, I know. I will see it soon.

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Shutter Island


I believed that Shutter Island had been, at least in part, spoiled for me.

Now that I’ve seen the movie, I don’t know that it can be. (That said, as fair warning, this review will contain major plot points, some of which are twists, so read on at the risk of disagreeing with me. Spoilers also follow for Citizen Kane and The Usual Suspects.)

Given that the film is set in a mental institution for the criminally insane, it seems only natural that the viewer should question Marshal Teddy Daniels’ sanity from the get-go. If he isn’t crazy when the film begins, you suspect he might become so by the end. That is often how this sort of thriller works.

What is interesting, and what makes this film pack such a punch, is the way in which the story unfolds. Though I knew, definitively, that Daniels was a patient because of a co-worker with little regard for people who wait for DVD releases, I did not know all the details of his illness – nor why he was institutionalized. These are much more intriguing questions, and led to a whole different sort of suspense than I might have felt when seeing the movie cold for the first time.

(Sort of cold, at least. Trailers, while a great marketing tool, are hell on movies like Shutter Island. How to cut it without misleading the audience as to the movie’s nature, while at the same time giving nothing away? Here’s how they did, and it’s a decent job, but I don’t envy the original editor:)

This film is not a noir in any traditional sense (watch, readers, as I exercise the power of this blog to review mysteries and thrillers as well!), but it does engage some noir-ish elements. Not just fedoras, no. The isolation of the main character, as it grows throughout the film, teeters on the line between legitimate fear and paranoia. After all, it’s not paranoia if they’re really out to get you. The sense of a corrupt world closing in, literally cutting off escape, is oppressive from the outset – the movie begins on a boat, and the captain tells Daniels and his partner that he will leave the moment the marshals are ashore.

In some ways, knowing Daniels was a patient set me up to be duped even more fully by the actual reveal of what has been going on for the entirety of the movie. The twist, such as it is, reveals the difference between, say, The Sixth Sense and The Village.

In the latter, even those audience members who hadn’t guessed the ending where left with a simple “Oh, I see” moment; the emotional impact of the film, if it had any, was located elsewhere. I liked parts of The Village, though it had quite a few flaws, but what I liked best were characters and their interactions, and the twist had little to do with that.

In The Sixth Sense, on the other hand, the moment I knew the twist, I had to recontextualize everything in the film. Every moment, every interaction, was new because I understood it in a new light. It made me want to see the film again immediately.

That’s also the difference between “Rosebud is the sled” and “Verbal is Kaiser Soze.” It’s not that one movie is better than the other, in this case: it’s that in one, the mystery is a pretense to drive the plot, in the other, the entire movie is a trick.

(Confession: I love trick movies. Inception, The Illusionist, The Brothers Bloom – yeah.)

I think Shutter Island falls firmly in the camp of The Usual Suspects and The Sixth Sense. The ending is so viscerally affecting because, in part, it forces you to shift your perceptions of everything that’s come before it. That’s not good or bad, nor does it effect the rewatchability of a given movie. But it does mean that, in a very particular sense, you only get one first time.

To say the movie is well-directed seems redundant, given that it’s a Scorsese film. But he really is on form here. Critical reception was mixed, but I think that’s in part a function of the kind of film he was making; a lot of the bad reviews accuse it of not being creepy enough. But Shutter Island is not a horror film, and I don’t think it was intended to be. It may not be a masterpiece on the level of The Departed or Taxi Driver, but the craft involved is undeniable.

The acting is also standout. This would be a very easy movie to get campy in, but the cast collectively resists the temptation. Leonardo diCaprio is strong (though given that Inception followed this movie so closely, the two performances can’t help but be compared), laying a solid groundwork for the denouement without tipping his hand too soon. Mark Ruffalo and Ben Kingsley, however, cemented the movie’s foundation and were right on target throughout. Patricia Clarkson is excellent in a small but pivotal role.

Grade: B+ A few imperfections, but on the whole, well ahead of the curve.

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