Tag Archives: Inglourious Basterds

Top Movies of 2010

The title of this entry might be slightly misleading. I’m in no position to evaluate the top ten movies released this year. However, I can give you my list of favorites that I, myself, watched for the first time.  These are in a rough order of how much I liked them, rather than which is “best.”

10. The Secret of Kells

A beautiful animated film with a sweet, enchanting story, The Secret of Kells won me over almost right away. The art would have been enough to make the film a pleasure by itself, but the voice acting and the screenplay were also top-notch.

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9.  Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, part 1

It’s more a chapter than a stand-alone film, but I think it’s one of the best in the series. The cinematography and the acting have come leaps and bounds, and it leaves you exhausted and impatient for the finale.

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8. Shutter Island

Scorsese tackles noir/horror with panache. It may not be his best work ever, but it is still an excellent film. Great performances (Patricia Clarkson was a standout in a tiny role, and Mark Ruffalo is fantastic) and I would love to see it again.

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7. Inglourious Basterds

Tarantino is a polarizing artist, but I tend to like him. I don’t know if this is his best work, but it is very solid. The opening sequence will, I think, become a classic example of how to film suspense.  The meta conceit of the film premiere worked for me, and I think that the idea of this sort of fake history is terribly interesting to see in execution.

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6. The Hurt Locker

The Best Picture winner of last year deserved it, in my opinion. It was a tough film to watch, but beautifully made. The film’s thesis was a bit heavy-handed, but it was a master class in creating an effective character. Well worthwhile.

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5.  The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus

A weirdly liner film, considering Terry Gilliam, but I very much enjoyed it. The visuals are beautiful, and it had a nice fairytale feel to it. It being Heath Ledger’s last film, it has a strange overlay to it, but the execution is good. Andrew Garfield is a standout, and Tom Waits is perfectly cast as the devil.

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4. Easy A

This was the year’s biggest surprise for me. I went into it mildly skeptical, when a friend wanted to see it. But I completely fell in love. I generally don’t like high school films, but Emma Stone is completely disarming, her family is perfect (I want them to adopt me), and it’s intelligently constructed. Yes, it’s a fantasy, but it treats its characters like flawed but complex human beings, even if some of them are (theoretically) 17. I loved it.

IMDB | Trailer

3.  Brick

I had meant to see Brick forever, but it took until this year for me to sit down and do so.  That’s a shame, because it’s a skillfully constructed movie that both exemplifies its tropes and rises above them. Another on the list to re-watch, the plot is wound so tightly that watching it the first time, I couldn’t even really pay much attention to the filming or the craft except in brief patches. Great noir.

IMDB | Trailer

2. Moon

The best sci fi movie I’ve seen in ages, and one of the best films generally, Moon has all the punch of a Ray Bradbury story. Sam Rockwell gives a standout performance, and the movie deftly copes with anxieties about identity, purpose, and sacrifice. Kevin Spacey also does some great vocal work. For a stark, minimalistic production, the filming is perfect, and the film boasts a screenplay I wish I’d written. Highly recommended.

IMDB | Trailer

1. Inception

I just rewatched Inception, and it gets even better on subsequent reviews. Thoughtful, plotty, fun and yet moving, Inception is everything I want in a summer blockbuster and more. A friend gave me a new layer of things to consider, and now I need to watch it yet again to consider them. I loved it.

IMDB| Trailer

Honorable Mentions: Dr. No, The Shop Around the Corner, Fantastic Mr. Fox, Sherlock Holmes, Love Actually

Worst Movie I saw in 2010: The Last Airbender. Not even close.

Best Movie I haven’t yet seen, as best I can tell: Toy Story 3. Yes, I know. I will see it soon.

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