Category Archives: General

Oscar Nominees 2010

I don’t know if it was just a better year for movies or if the frontrunners were just obvious earlier, but this year’s nominations seem both predictable and hard to quibble with. The Academy, for the most part, seems to have acknowledged well-made films, if not much off the beaten track. I have seen five of the ten Best Picture nominees so far, and have Winter’s Bone downloaded from Amazon previously. That leaves me four to get myself to before the show – I might actually be able to do that.

As I’ve gotten older, and learned more and more about the Academy, I am less mentally on board with the Oscars. They’re petty, and based on popularity, and all the other complaints that get trotted out every year. Sure. (And they have terrible taste in music: Best Song is almost always a travesty.)

But emotionally, I can’t quite let them go. Part is nostalgia; my father and I both love film, and he and I used to pick apart the nominations and then watch the show together, while largely ignoring the SAG Awards, the BAFTAs, the Golden Globes, etc. These award shows were always firmly in the “useful in as far as they help you predict the Oscars” category for me as a child.

And I have to say, I love the schmaltz, to a point. I grew up in the golden Billy Crystal years (his Titanic send-up to the tune of the Gilligan’s Island theme will always be timeless to me). And though the post-Crystal hosts have been uneven, seeing everyone dressed to the nines, seeing the little montages interspersed throughout the evening, the occasional Adrien-Brody-kisses-Halle-Berry moment… they’re all fun, and as long as I have the distance to treat them that way, I try not to get too bent out of shape.

(My father, to this day can’t watch The Sound of Music without angrily commenting that Doctor Zhivago was ROBBED.)

So while everyone and their mom knows that Hailee Steinfeld was in no way a supporting actress, or that all but one of the Best Actor slots were basically locked even before the nominations were announced, or that Natalie Portman is an all but sure thing, I can’t quit the Oscars altogether. Partly because it’s a link back to movie history, even if the Hollywood machine, political side of it, and partly because I am still at heart one of the little girls practicing her acceptance speech with a shampoo bottle. (Though after last year, I felt less self-conscious about the fact that my imaginary award changed from actress to director when I was 15 or so.)

Comments on the Best Picture nominees I’ve seen: reviews for True Grit and Black Swan are up.

Inception was my personal favorite film last year, but I don’t know that it was the best, necessarily; also, given the type of film it is, it has no shot at winning. It is nice, though, to see it get a nomination, and I think this year showed nicely that there were ten films worth recognizing.

Toy Story 3 was an excellent, heart-wrenching film, and while the Toy Story franchise is not necessarily my favorite part of Pixar, it’s hard to find flaws with it. Again, not going to win, but we’ll see how many years in a row Pixar gets a nomination. (And an easy lock for Best Animated Feature.)

The Kids Are All Right struck me as a movie with some phenomenal acting, but that would have been critically unremarkable if not for the genders of the three leads. I’m not saying it was a bad film, because it wasn’t, and I quite liked both Annette Benning and Mark Ruffalo in it, but the screenplay was a bit “eh” to me. I am all for more mainstream, loving depictions of non-heterosexual, cis-gendered couples in which their sexuality is not a huge deal; I just don’t expect the movie to be patted on the back for that alone.

I am very much looking forward to Winter’s Bone. More word on that once I watch it.

And, finally, on a side note, I was glad to see the Coens get an unexpected nod for Direction, even if I do mourn that it probably knocked Chris Nolan out. Both True Grit and Inception were so-well directed it seems a crime to ignore either.

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The Exploding Macguffin is going on hiatus for the month of November. I will return in December with more cinematic goodness.

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Introduction and Welcome

When I entered the world of people who Applied For Things in the later part of my high school career, I ran against the peculiar combination of selling myself and explaining myself in the same stretch of writing. It’s a perilous line to walk. Still, when undertaking a blog, I feel the instinctual need to take a moment to say what on earth I think I’m doing here.

This blog exists for a number of reasons, but the most direct one is Roger Ebert. Anyone my age with an interest in film can hardly escape him, whether you agree or disagree with his reviews. But I’ve always liked him best as an essayist (one of my favorite gifts ever was a copy of his The Great Films), and I’ve found a new affection for him as a reader of his thoughtful and engaging blog.

A few months ago, his post “The Golden Age of Movie Critics” convinced me that I should finally make the transition from someone who says they’d like to blog to someone who actually does so. I’ve always been passionate about film, and discussion of it is woefully absent from my present life.

Thus. A blog was born.

The title is sort of a vague attempt to focus this blog. Though I love all sorts of film, I have a theory that most people have one genre, or family of genres, that they love enough to cut slack to. People who love cinema are quick to admit that a good film in almost any genre can bring them pleasure. What’s sometimes harder to admit is that you really loved a film like…

…like Van Helsing. Or Pearl Harbor. Or Grown Ups. (I loved one of these three, found one tolerable, and plan never to see the third. Assign as you will.) I, for one, have a low tolerance for clichéd romance plots, but will forgive pretty flimsy plot contrivances if enough things explode.

I also love a good mystery. A lovely whodunit with clues galore. Or a gritty, worldly film noir. A thriller, whether it be psychological (like Gaslight) or political (like Syriana). Or just a flat-out revenge story (I’m looking at you, Lucky Number Slevin).

So. The Exploding Macguffin will be a film blog with a slant toward the mystery/thriller/noir side. I’m notoriously rebellious with clean genre labels, so it’s a slant, not an exclusive boundary; still, I’d like it to have some sort of unifying tone.

For now, I’m aiming to post twice weekly. Once a week, I’ll post a reaction to a film I’ve just watched (or rewatched). The other post will be a potpourri; reactions to books in or about the genre, collections of trailers for upcoming projects that excite me, links to other interesting film blogs or articles, and possibly some more general thoughts on aspects of film. I expect it will grow and change as I learn what I’m doing, and comments or constructive feedback are welcome.

I’ll try to be honest and entertaining, as best I can be. Thanks for reading.

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